Sunday, February 10, 2019

Harper Lees To Kill a Mockingbird :: To Kill a Mockingbird Essays

To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel written by Harper Lee. It was published in 1960by J.B. Lippincott Company in Philadelphia & sassy York. This is the only book thatHarper Lee has ever written. It is also wiz of the high hat-loved novels in Americanliterature, winning the Pulitzer Prize for fiction. Lee is a in truth private person who doesntgrant interviews, although her literary agent says she divides her date between herhometown of Monroeville, Alabama and New York. She also enjoys reading, and herfavorite authors are Jane Austen, Charles Lamb, and Robert Louis Stevenson. She has tell that her novel roughly a flannel southern lawyer fend for an innocent black man is nonautobiographical. But her father was a lawyer, and the inspiration for the charactergenus Atticus Finch.To Kill a Mockingbird is about a young girl named Jean-Louise Finch, who theycall pathfinder, her brformer(a) Jeremy, nick-named Jem, and many other characters. Theirfather Atticus, who is a lawyer, had be en given a case to handle and did not have a choicebut to receive it and work his best for his client. The case was about an African man,named tom turkey Robinson, who was accused of raping a white woman. This case causesmany problems that they have to deal with everyday. The entire town turns against them dictum that Atticus is a nigger-lover. Even Atticus family turned against them, whichreally hurts Scout, specially when her cousin Francis says I guess it aint your fault ifUncle Atticus is a nigger-lover besides, but Im here to tell you it for certain does mortifythe rest of the family- (Harper 91). Racism is a major theme in this story along with growing up. throughout thestory the reader sees how Scout and Jem are afraid of Boo Radley because they think heis a behemoth and try to tease him. Later in the novel they are no longer afraid of him andno longer interested in pestering him. Another example of their maturity is how they viewpeople. When Scout and Jem see how Tom Rob inson is treated just because he is black,they begin to understand the meaning of prejudice. Throughout the trial Scout watchedand believed that Tom will be found innocent. kinda he is found guilty. Herdisappointment in the verdict makes Scout principal the idea of justice. Scout and Jemalso think that their dad isnt the like any other fathers in school, but as the book goes on,their military strength towards their father has changed, which is another sign of maturity.

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