Tuesday, February 5, 2019
The End of Oppression for Jamaican Women Essay -- Oppression Feminism
The End of Oppression for Jamai puke WomenWomen have been oppress in many places and in many different ways over the years, still in Jamaica this continuing trend is finally to be broken. Sexual or gender inequality represents as essential and integral feature of fond relations and enculturation construction in Jamaica, where for the past four nose candy years colonial and imperialist exploitation has governed the development of economic, political, and sociocultural patterns and structures.(Harrison Women in Jamaicas Urban Informal Economy pg. 12)Women have different billets in politics, political economy and religion than their counterparts. It is important to know non just the general role of women, but it is also important to know where they come from. Women have not played a big role in politics, have been oppressed economically, and have not received equal pay. In the Rastafarian culture women are subservient, this is slowly changing. Where does this leave Jamaican women? A race expression for strong women role models.Black women do not lack heroines or role models. They do though, need to rescue them from the shadows of selective business relationship. (http//www.internurse.com /marymain.htm) Throughout the history of Jamaica there have been great women leaders and musicians, such as, nanny of the Maroons, fairy Omega, Mary Jane Seacole, Marcia Griffith, Judy Mowatt, and Sister Carol. Currently it is very important today in Jamaica for young girls to have role models. Not only has Jamaican high society and Rastafarian culture suppressed women, but other countries have as well. Going way back in history to the 1700s one can find a strong woman who is still talked about today. Nanny of the Maroons lived in the 1700sm when people living in Ja... ..., 1997, universal resource locator http//www.bobmarley.com/life/bequest/rita/ritainterview.html. Steffens, Roger, Rita Marley, universal resource locator http//hem.passagen.se/perdavid/ritaM.htm. 4/3/ 00. Timm, Bob, Interview with Sister Carol, Nov 3, 1999, uniform resource locator http//ska.about.com/entertainment/ska/library/1999/aa110399b.htm. 4/11/00. United Nations Research shew for Social Development, Consultation on Gender and Industrial Policy, Aug. 1995, URL http//www.unrisd.org/html/focus/focus1/eng/f1e12.htm. 4/3/00. Webmasterjamaicaway.com, Excellent Nanny of Maroons, 1999, URL www.jamaicaway.com/Heroes/NannyPage.html. 4/3/00. Webmastersit.edu, Jamaica Gender and Development, Jan 10, 2000, URL http//www.sit.edu/studyabroad/americas/jamaica.html. 3/25/00. Whitemanm, Burchell, Nanny of the Maroons, Feb. 1998, URL www.kasnet.com/heroesofjamaica/nan/nan/nan1.htm. 4/3/00.
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