Friday, March 22, 2019

Caribbean Integration Essay -- essays research papers

CARIBBEAN POLITICS and SOCIETYCaribbean Integration Rationale for Integration.The Caribbean remains fragmented two economicalally and politically as a end point of competition and conflict among the European powers. Fragmentation is in part the point of intersection of a long history as separate colonies of a metropolitan power or powers. It is in like manner in part the psychological effects on people of separation by sea.The case for functional integrating is both simple and irrefutable. First we are small and we motive to gain economies of scale. We need to achieve such economies in markets, production, the mobilisation of regional detonator for regional use, university education, science and technology, sea and air transport to mention both(prenominal) areas.We therefore need to pool as far as is operable our markets and our financial human and natural resources. We need a single structured and truly common market for goods and services, capital, and trained manpo wer. In addition we need to coordinate not only the development of our productive sectors but also our economic policies. And we need both a common external duty and a common set of external trade, economic and otherwise policies. real basically put, we must come closer unitedly because even the more than economically advanced and biggest of us are mere specks of dusts in world(prenominal) terms. To admit that we are specks of dust does not however mean that we should dishonor ourselves in passive apathy in economic and international matters sooner we should get together to forma an object with more mass and more cargo so that our presence could be more easily seen and more effectively used in the promotion of our own interests. We are small states by world and even Hemispheric standards, we are economically and politically lightheaded individual units. We must avoid the temptation if at any prone time our individual national economy is more prosperous than those of our oth er partner states, to be so arrogant as to forget that our economic situation may be suddenly reversed and that therefore we allow soon need close links with our partner states in matters concerning both the intra-regional and extra-regional spheres. West Indian history abounds with instances of countries suffering sudden reversals of their economic fortunes.Advantages of Integration.&61607a stronger voice internationally(a)&nbs... ...ess and Hurdles A European View, capital of Jamaica Kingston Publishers.West Indian tutelage (1992) An Overview of the Report of the West Indian Commission Time for Action, Barbados West Indian Commission.Issues to Think aboutWhat are your reasons for Caribbean Integration.Is the integration process within CARICOM marred by cynicism, lack of political go away and self-aggrandisement of the political directorate? Comment with regard to the issues confronting the realisation of the CSME.What type can the OECS play in strengthening the Caribbean Comm unity?Can the design of integration be realised without the building of trust?What is the role of the ACS (Association of Caribbean States). Do you think the ACS will enhance or undermine CARICOM? Questions to Consider1.What deity have divided no man can put together. Discuss in relation to Caribbean integration.2.Assess the approaches to integration in the region and consider what have been the main failures and benefits of the movement. What else needs to be done and why?3.Should Commonwealth Caribbean countries politically integrate?

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